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On Heroku

Assuming you followed Starting on localhost, check the steps below for starting the web app on Heroku (see Getting Started with Django on Heroku for more details).

Create a new Heroku app:

heroku create

Rename the app to what seems more appropriate:

heroku apps:rename newname

Set up the database (for more details see Heroku documentation):

heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
heroku pg:promote YOUR_DATABSE_URL (generated and shown during previous step)

Add necessary settings to environment variables:

heroku config:add PYTHONPATH=/photoplanet
heroku config:add DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=photoplanet.settings.heroku

Check a blog post explaining the first command. See Django documentation for using environment variables to store location of the settings module.

Set up a different app at Instagram developers page. Specify the following parameters there: WEBSITE URL: and REDIRECT URI:


Sync the database:

heroku run photoplanet/ syncdb
heroku run photoplanet/ migrate

Now you can do a simple git push to deploy the application:

git push heroku master

Open the app in your browser:

heroku apps:open

You may want to change search term which is for now is hardcoded in the settings (grep code for MEDIA_TAG). You need to commit this to master and push to Heroku. This will change in the future versions.

The simplest approach to update recent photos on Heroku is to use cron from some external host:

* * * * * curl > /tmp/cronlog.txt 2>&1

Heroku has a periodic task scheduler with which you may set up a command similar to what is described at Loading photos with cron, but for that you need to activate payments.