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Starting on localhost

Clone repository:

git clone
cd photoplanet

You may also just take one of the latest tags from Github.

Create virtualenv and install dependencies. For instance with virtualenvwrapper:

mkvirtualenv photoplanet
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Check that tests pass (this also creates custom headline and analytics files, see section below):

make test

Run the commands necessary for creating of the database (see Makefile for more details). As of version 0.1 the command creates SQLite database:

make syncdb

Launch instance of development server with:

make runserver

Navigate to to see the running site.

Create an app at Instagram developers page. Specify the following parameters there: WEBSITE URL: and REDIRECT URI:

Copy Instagram settings file and updated variables with what you have obtain from Instagram:

cp photoplanet/photoplanet/settings/ photoplanet/photoplanet/settings/

At the moment there is a utility view that loads recent photos from Instagram: The photos may also be loaded with custom management command:

make load_photos

Custom headline and analytics

If you’d like to use a custom headline in the template you need to add file templates/photoplanet/custom_headline.html and specify CUSTOM_HEADLINE = True in you settings.

To include Google Analytics add templates/photoplanet/analytics.html and specify INCLUDE_ANALYTICS = True.

Loading photos with cron

Adjust necessary paths

* * * * * cd /path/to/ && /where/your/envs/photoplanet/bin/python2.7 /path/to/ load_photos --settings=photoplanet.settings.correct > /tmp/cronlog.txt 2>&1